
Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement for Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot, Remote Pilot, and Private Pilot (Federal Aviation Administration): FAA-CT-8080-2H

Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement for Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot, Remote Pilot, and Private Pilot (Federal Aviation Administration): FAA-CT-8080-2H

Auteur: Federal Aviation Administration, U. S. Department U.S. Department of Transportation

Nombre de pages: 109 pages

ISBN: 9798601905534

Edition: Independently Published

Date de publication: Independently Published

Description: This testing supplement supersedes FAA-CT-8080-2G, Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement for Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot, and Private Pilot, dated 2016.This Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement is designed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards Service. It is intended for use by Airman Knowledge Testing (AKT) Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) Holders and other entities approved and/or authorized to administer airman knowledge tests on behalf of the FAA in the following knowledge areas:Sport Pilot-Airplane (ASEL and ASES)Sport Pilot-GyroplaneSport Pilot-GliderSport Pilot-Airship (LTA)Sport Pilot-Balloon (LTA)Sport Pilot-Weight-Shift Control (WSCS and WSCL)Sport Pilot-Powered Parachute (PPL and PPS)Recreational Pilot-Airplane (RPA)Recreational Pilot-Rotorcraft/Helicopter (RPH)Recreational Pilot-Rotorcraft/Gyroplane (RPG)Private Pilot-Airplane/Recreational Pilot-Transition (PAT) Private Pilot-Helicopter/Recreational Pilot-Transition (PHT) Private Pilot-Gyroplane/Recreational Pilot-Transition (POT) Private Pilot-Airplane (PAR)Private Pilot-Rotorcraft/Helicopter (PRH)Private Pilot-Rotorcraft/Gyroplane (PRO)Private Pilot-Glider (POL)Private Pilot-Free Balloon-Hot Air (PBH)Private Pilot-Free Balloon-Gas (PBG)Private Pilot-Lighter-Than-Air-Airship (PLA)Private Pilot-Powered-Parachute (PPP)Private Pilot-Weight-shift Control (PWS)Unmanned Aircraft General-Small (UAG)

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