Separating Church and State
Auteur: Bruce J. Dierenfield
Nombre de pages: 434 pages
ISBN: 0966882873, 9780966882872
Edition: Friends of the Bill of Rights Foundation
Date de publication: Friends of the Bill of Rights Foundation
Description: "Dr. Bruce Dierenfield has marshalled an incredible body of historical data into a truly compelling account of the MCLU's work under the late Dr. Matthew Stark, its former president and executive director. Stark was like an army general, totally dedicated to winning. He would map out his strategy, gather intelligence about the enemy from newspaper clippings and surveys sent to schools, and send his troops to do battle in the law courts and in the court of public opinion. His opponents are given a voice in the book, and in every case Matt Stark's response devasted their arguments. Because of him, the MCLU won many important victories for the Bill of Rights-- keeping public schools free of Gideon Bibles, religious services, Christmas and other religious music, and prayers. I wish I had known all this history when I was president of the MCLU, so I could have done more to keep Matt Stark's vision alive. The rights we enjoy now seem like part of the fabric of our lives, taken for granted, but each right was hard-won with the incredible work of Matt Stark and the MCLU. As one government official noted, the MCLU helped move Minnesota 'well ahead of the world' on prodding government to preserve religious liberty." --