
Beyond Culture

Beyond Culture

Auteur: Edward Twitchell Hall

Nombre de pages: 298 pages

ISBN: 0844665517, 9780844665511

Edition: Anchor Books

Date de publication: Anchor Books

Description: Beyond Culture is a proud celebration of human capacities. For too long, people have taken their own ways of life for granted, ignoring the vast, international cultural community that surrounds them. Humankind must now embark on the difficult journey beyond culture, to the discovery of a lost self and a sense of perspective. By holding up a mirror, Hall permits us to see the awesome grip of unconscious culture. With concrete examples ranging from James Joyceʼs Finnegans Wake to the mating habits of the bowerbird of New Guinea, Hall shows us ourselves. Beyond Culture is a book about self-discovery; it is a voyage we all must embark on if mankind is to survive.

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