
Cataloging and Classification

Cataloging and Classification

Auteur: Lois Mai Chan, Theodora Hodges

Nombre de pages: 580 pages

ISBN: 0810859440, 9780810859449

Edition: Scarecrow Press

Date de publication: Scarecrow Press

Description: "This third edition of Lois Mai Chan's Cataloging and Classification covers the analysis and representation of methods used in describing, organizing, and providing access to resources made available in or through libraries, including both materials owned by the library (mostly physical items such as books, journals, and nonprint sources) and external electronic resources accessible through the library's portal. Chan emphasizes the standards for bibliographic control widely adopted in the library field, reports on recent developments in the retrieval arena, and discusses a number of popular metadata schemas in order to provide an overview of the library cataloging and classification field."--

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