
Traité pratique des maladies de la peau

Traité pratique des maladies de la peau

Auteur: Alphonse Devergie

Nombre de pages: 736 pages

ISBN: ISBN non disponible

Edition: V. Masson

Date de publication: V. Masson

Description: "First edition of one of the principal mid-century French dermatology books by a man now regarded as 'one of the most important early workers in cutaneous medicine.' (Shelley and Crissey, classics in clinical dermatology, 76). Devergie, Biett's successor at the Hôpital Saínt Louis, 'made valuable contributions to the understanding of "eczema" ..., and he was among the first to expand the Willan elementary lesion concept legitimately by demonstrating that there are diseases that are truly "composit," that is, diseases in which several elementary lesions coexist or change from one to another' (Crissey and Parish, Dermatology and syphilology in the nineteenth century, 58). According to Ehring, the five plates were printed in color 'and coloured in subsequently as well' (Skin diseases, 189)."--Antiquarian bookseller's description, 2017.

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