Discover Sociology: Core Concepts
Auteur: Daina S. Eglitis, William J. Chambliss
Nombre de pages: 496 pages
ISBN: 1506347444, 9781506347448
Edition: SAGE Publications
Date de publication: SAGE Publications
Description: Discover Sociology: Core Concepts explores sociology as a discipline of curious minds, with the theoretical, conceptual, and empirical tools needed to understand, analyze, and even change the world—all in a more streamlined format. It is adapted from Discover Sociology, Third Edition and offers in-depth coverage of 12 high-priority topics that are at the core of almost all introductory sociology courses. Core Concepts maintains its reader-friendly narrative and the hallmark themes of the parent book, including the unequal distribution of power in society (“Inequality Matters”), the sociological imagination (“Private Lives, Public Issues”), and career skills (“What Can I Do With a Sociology Degree?”). A new feature, “Discover and Debate,” shows students how to take effective, evidence-based positions on important social issues, and how to argue in a respectful manner that recognizes the value of different perspectives. Also available as a digital option (courseware). Contact your rep to learn more about Discover Sociology: Core Concepts - Vantage Digital Option.