
The Power of Tolkien's Prose

The Power of Tolkien

Auteur: S. Walker

Nombre de pages: 213 pages

ISBN: 0230101666, 9780230101661

Edition: Springer

Date de publication: Springer

Description: Shortlisted for the 2011 Mythopoeic Scholarship Award forInklingsStudies Tolkien's unparalleled popularity has been largely attributed to his gifts as a storyteller and his thematic currency. But The Lord of the Rings may have become a modern classic for a deeper reason than we've noticed: Tolkien is a first-rate stylist. The Power of Tolkien's Prose illuminates the multifaceted appeal of Tolkien's prose style in dimensions ranging from his fantastic realism to his revitalizing imagery to his dynamic narrative to his expansive characterization to his engaging language. Viewed through the lens of Steve Walker's stylistic appreciation, Tolkien's fiction emerges as a new dimension of perception.