RFIC and MMIC Design and Technology
Auteur: I.D. Robertson, S. Lucyszyn, Institution of Electrical Engineers
Nombre de pages: 562 pages
ISBN: 0852967861, 9780852967867
Edition: IET
Date de publication: IET
Description: RFIC and MMIC technology provides the core components for many microwave and millimetre-wave communications, radar and sensing systems. Recent years have seen exciting developments, such as circuits operating to over 200 GHz, millimetre-wave micromachined antenna arrays and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). At the same time, the rapid growth of wireless communications in the 1 to 6 GHz range has seen a dramatic shift towards advanced silicon technology. It is timely, therefore, to introduce this fully up-to-date second edition of a world-renowned standard text.