
Textual Revisions

Textual Revisions

Auteur: Brian Baker

Nombre de pages: 261 pages

ISBN: 1908258586, 9781908258588

Edition: University of Chester

Date de publication: University of Chester

Description: Textual Revisions is a collection of new essays which discusses adaptations for cinema and television of a variety of novels, plays and short stories. Works discussed include adaptations of novels by Austen, Stoker, Michael Cunningham, Fowles and Tolkien, plays by Shakespeare and Pinter, and a short story by Philip K. Dick. Contents: The Materialisation of the Austen World: Film Adaptations of Jane Austen's Novels, by Deborah Wynne; The Amazing Cinematograph: Cinema and Illusion in Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula, by Paul Foster; Modernist Writing, the Cinematic Image and Time, by Deniz Baker; From Image to Frame: The Filming of The French Lieutenant's Woman, by William Stephenson; The Rain It Raineth in Every Frame: A Defence of Trevor Nunn's Twelfth Night, by Graham Atkin; The Film of Harold Pinter's The Caretaker, by Ashley Chantler; Can You See?: Spielberg's Screen Adaptation of Philip K. Dick's The Minority Report, by Brian Baker; Refracted Light: Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings, by Chris Walsh

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