
Summary: Change the Culture, Change the Game

Summary: Change the Culture, Change the Game

Auteur: BusinessNews Publishing,

Nombre de pages: 41 pages

ISBN: 2511022176, 9782511022177

Edition: Primento

Date de publication: Primento

Description: The must-read summary of Roger Connors and Tom Smith’s book: “Change the Culture, Change the Game: The Breakthrough Strategy for Energizing Your Organization and Creating Accountability for Results”. This complete summary of the ideas from Roger Conners and Tom Smith’s book “Change the Culture, Change the Game” explains that culture is at the heart of every organisation. According to the authors, if you want to change your results, you must start by changing your culture. By creating a ‘Culture of Accountability’, you will create an organisation that is filled with people who can produce game-changing results. By following their advice, you will discover the key to changing your company culture for guaranteed results. Added-value of this summary: • Save time • Understand the key concepts • Expand your business knowledge To learn more, read “Change the Culture, Change the Game” and find out how you can gain a competitive advantage by changing the culture at the heart of your company.

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