
Competencies for One Health field epidemiology (COHFE) framework

Competencies for One Health field epidemiology (COHFE) framework

Auteur: World Health Organization, World Organisation for Animal Health, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Nombre de pages: 144 pages

ISBN: 9240080058, 9789240080058

Edition: World Health Organization

Date de publication: World Health Organization

Description: The COHFE framework defines the knowledge, skills, and competencies (KSC) needed for field epidemiologists to implement the One Health approach. It consists of 14 domains with guidance for the frontline, intermediate, and advanced training levels. KSC statements are further classified as core One Health, optional One Health, or sector-specific for human health, animal health, or the environment.Technical domains- Foundational knowledge & skills - Surveillance systems - Field investigations - Disease management - Laboratory capacity - Infection prevention & control, biosafety & biosecurity - Preparedness & response - Epidemiological studies - Data management, biostatistics & informatics - Ecosystem Health Functional domains- Leadership & management - Communication & community engagement - Training - Ethics

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