
Giuseppe Castiglione, 1688-1766

Giuseppe Castiglione, 1688-1766

Auteur: Michèle Pirazzoli-tʼSerstevens

Nombre de pages: 222 pages

ISBN: 2352780268, 9782352780267

Edition: Thalia

Date de publication: Thalia

Description: Painter of formation, voluntary for China, Castiglione arrives in Beijing in 1715, at 27 years old. He will never return to Europe, but will serve, for over fifty years and under the Chinese name of Lang Shining, three successive emperors. He developed, as a painter, decorator and architect at their court, an astonishing compromise between Chinese and European traditions. This book traces, based on recent discoveries and studies, the career and artistic contribution of one who is considered one of the greatest creators at the court of the Manchu emperors. -- Amazon.

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