


Auteur: Carlo Starnazzi

Nombre de pages: 302 pages

ISBN: 8895686012, 9788895686011

Edition: Cartei & Bianchi

Date de publication: Cartei & Bianchi

Description: This volume collects a series of complex and variously articulated themes that involve on a theoretical and historical basis both the world of architecture and that of urban planning, as well as that of sculpture and of painting. The period here analysed is certainly the most operational for Leonardo, during his frequent movements in the large and complex political, economic, cultural and artistic theatre that was central Italy between 1500 and 1516. It is in this historical and geographical context that the focal points of the research of Starnazzi emerge with spontaneous emphasis: Florence, Cortona-Arezzo, Rome and Amboise where the artist spends the last years of his life, from 1517 to 1519.

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