
The First Men in the Moon

The First Men in the Moon

Auteur: Wells H.G.

Nombre de pages: 264 pages

ISBN: 5521082263, 9785521082261

Edition: Рипол Классик

Date de publication: Рипол Классик

Description: Herbert George Wells (1866 – 1946) was an English writer. He was proli?c in many genres, writing dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, but he is now best remembered for his science ?ction novels. “The First Men in the Moon” is a scienti?c novel, which tells the story of a journey to the moon undertaken by the two protagonists, a businessman narrator, Mr. Bedford, and an eccentric scientist, Mr. Cavor. Bedford and Cavor discover that the moon is inhabited by a sophisticated extraterrestrial civilisation of insect-like creatures.

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