


Auteur: Frank E. Hagan, Dr Mark S Davis, pro Ph. Ph.

Nombre de pages: Nombre de pages non disponible pages

ISBN: 1412960819, 9781412960816

Edition: Sage Publications (CA)

Date de publication: Sage Publications (CA)

Description: "Adopt this bundle, and your students SAVE! This bundle is just dollars more than the price of the main textbook alone."Paperback: $64.95; ISBN: 9781412953658The Sixth Edition of Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods, and Criminal Behavior is a comprehensive introduction to the study of criminology, with a chapter devoted to the criminal justice system. Valued and admired for the author's easy-to-read writing style and the text's overall accessibility, this book concentrates on the vital core of criminological theory-theory, method, and criminal behavior-and successfully avoids an overly legal or crime control orientation. Updated throughout and with a visually engaging new two-color design, the Sixth Edition investigates all major forms of criminal activity, including organized crime, white collar crime, political crime, and environmental crime. Author Frank E. Hagan explains the methods of operation, the effects on society, and how various theories account for criminal behavior. New to the Sixth Edition Offers expanded treatment of theory: An additional theory chapter (Chapter 5) explores psychological and biological theories, and the author has provided additional coverage of Developmental/Life Course theory in Chapter 6. Presents expanded detail on many types of crime: The book features comprehensive treatment of all crime typologies. Provides broader coverage of crime in its various forms: With major coverage of white collar, political, and organized crime, the text fully addresses topics such as Warez software piracy, spies, assassins, new organized crime groups, and major corporate scandals. Incorporates updated and new "Crime Files" and "In the News" boxes: New captivating examples include the Virginia Tech shootings; the BTK killer; Washington, DC snipers; Red Lake Massacre; and the Hanssen Spy case. Includes a new final chapter on the criminal justice system (Chapter 14): This chapter provides a brief overview to acquaint students who have not had a separate course on the justice system. Features an updated photo program: Contemporary visual representations bring to life the theories and crime typologies covered in the text. Accompanied by High-Quality Ancillaries! New Student study site at The study site includes self-quizzes, carefully selected journal articles, Web research exercises, E-flashcards, links to interesting and useful audio and video files, and more. Instructor Resources on CD: This resource includes a computerized test bank, PowerPoint slides for each chapter, classroom activities, and more. Intended AudienceThis is an excellent text for undergraduate courses such as Criminology, Deviant Behavior, and Crime and Society in departments of criminal justice, criminology, and sociology. Paperback: $34.95; ISBN: 9780761921769Hardcover: $89.95; ISBN: 9780761921752A handy reference for students, professionals, and anyone interested in criminal justice and criminology, The Concise Dictionary of Crime and Justice is an excellent, wide-ranging resource with clear definitions for over 2,000 key criminal justice terms. Often going beyond simple definitions, the dictionary presents and explains common misperceptions for selected entries. The concise definitions of terms will be easily accessible to a wide audience3/4 from students in introductory courses to professionals looking to brush up on key terms. Some of the topics covered in entries include: abduction, cycle of violence, eyewitness testimony, facial reconstruction, habeas corpus, La Cosa Nostra, Nuremberg Principle, Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), typology, Walker spy ring, and zoophilia. Features/Benefits: Each term will contain the following: Over 2,000 entries A complete, current definition of the term A discussion of common misconceptions or controversies surrounding the term A cross-reference to other entries in the dictionary