Stuart Women Playwrights, 1613-1713
Auteur: Pilar Cuder Domínguez
Nombre de pages: 148 pages
ISBN: 0754667138, 9780754667131
Edition: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
Date de publication: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
Description: In the field of seventeenth-century English drama, women participated not only as spectators or readers, but more and more as patronesses, as playwrights, and later on as actresses and even as managers. This study examines English women writers' tragedies and tragicomedies in the seventeenth century, specifically between 1613 and 1713, which represent the publication dates of the first original tragedy (Elizabeth Cary's The Tragedy of Mariam) and the last one (Anne Finch's Aristomenes) written by a Stuart woman playwright.